
Showing posts from August, 2017

How Much Useful is IQ Test?

by Yusuff Ademola A. The use of Intelligence test is a controversial issue which has attracted the attention of parents and school administrators. Parents want the best education for their children. Therefore, they are eager to know the level their children belong. Similarly, the school administrators are under pressure to make sure that students perform well in standardized tests. Hence, it makes sense that schools conduct intelligence test to assess students’ learning potentialities and try to improve the standard of education. For this reason, intelligence test has become most widely used tool. The effectiveness of a testing tool depends on the skill, scientific knowledge and competency of its users. It is not mainly for categorizing or labeling, but rather, to know the area of strength and weaknesses of each student. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test has various strengths which benefit the school, teacher, parents and students alike. Nevertheless, IQ test has received num...

Should Schools Continue Using Standardized Tests or Not?

by Yusuff Ademola A. Standardized testing in the educational system has been the centre of debate for decades. The public forum has been dominated with the argument of the researchers and scholars who oppose the use of standardized testing in the school system. Contrarily, some other scholars acknowledge that the advantages of standardized testing outweigh its disadvantages, and thus suppose that standardized testing can be used in the school system.  The search for alternatives to standardized testing has led to the discovery of ‘alternative testing’. Hart, in his “ Authentic Assessment: A Handbook for Educator” concurred: “The search for alternatives to standardized testing as a means of evaluation has led to the discovery of authentic assessment. Authentic assessment has many names, including, alternative assessment, performance assessment...” (Hart, p.9) However, it has been argued that all forms of evaluation have both advantages and disadvantages. Hence, bot...

I'm Depressed, What Should I Do?

by Yusuff Ademola A. Everyone experiences some amount of sadness from time to time yet depression lasts longer as it interferes with how one feels and thinks, thereby affecting one's daily life activities. It is a debilitating mental illness that can lead to such an extreme mental state that the depressed person attempts to end his or her life due to the associated anguish and suffering. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and the fourth leading contributor to the global burden of disease. Depression is distinct from occasional sadness or grief in that it is more severe and prolonged, and lasts for at least two weeks. Its symptoms include:   Depressed mood   Loss of interest in pleasurable activities   Feelings of worthlessness and guilt   Irritability Feelings of hopelessness Moving or talking more slowly Poor concentration Changes in appetite and weight   Chan...


by Yusuff Ademola A. & Yusuf Olalere A. As Muslims, we’re tired of condemning terror attacks being carried out by innately aggressive people, who in no way represent the true essence of our religion; but have hijacked it for their own hidden, selfish political agenda. Every time an act of terror occurs, Muslims closely watch the news with excessive consternation praying that the suspect is not a Muslim. This is for no reason than in instances where they happen to be, we’d see amplified mass media coverage and extreme unjustified hostility towards Muslims. Based on this, misconception is an understatement. It is unfortunate that the so called mass media coverage have been unjust towards the Muslims. Ironically, the media which are seen as an extension of the freedom of expression and the eye opener for every reasonable member of the society without any iota of bias, have turned their 'legitimate' duty to create false impression or stereotypes about the Muslims and thei...
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Yusuff Ademola A.
I’m Yusuff Ademola, a native of the largest city in the West Africa, Ibadan Nigeria. I’m a Muslim, a student, a developing writer, a motivator, a humanitarian, a reader, and sanguine by nature. I love writing, reading, lecturing and blogging. I’m the founder of The Mind Builders ( and a freelance writer for Aspiring Counselors Club.