How Much Useful is IQ Test?

by Yusuff Ademola A. The use of Intelligence test is a controversial issue which has attracted the attention of parents and school administrators. Parents want the best education for their children. Therefore, they are eager to know the level their children belong. Similarly, the school administrators are under pressure to make sure that students perform well in standardized tests. Hence, it makes sense that schools conduct intelligence test to assess students’ learning potentialities and try to improve the standard of education. For this reason, intelligence test has become most widely used tool. The effectiveness of a testing tool depends on the skill, scientific knowledge and competency of its users. It is not mainly for categorizing or labeling, but rather, to know the area of strength and weaknesses of each student. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test has various strengths which benefit the school, teacher, parents and students alike. Nevertheless, IQ test has received num...